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Types of Marine Aquarium...


FOWLR (Fish Only With Live Rock) As the name suggests this type of aquarium is built with fish being the main living attraction. It is generally accepted as the least complicated marine aquarium and the best place to start for newcomers, as they will learn the basics and be able to build upon the equipment they have, transitioning into more demanding marine aquariums in the future.


REEF A community-based marine aquarium where all inhabitants live in relative harmony, based on a replication of natural coral reefs with a mixture of fish, crustaceans and other creatures.


SOFT CORAL DOMINANT An aquarium based on a majority of soft corals that generally have less demanding requirements and therefore can be dramatically cheaper to maintain and require less complicated equipment than aquariums for hard calcareous skeleton corals.


LPS (Large Polyp Stony) Aquariums built around generally larger calcareous corals with large fleshy polyps. The degree of extension of the tentacles is dependent on the amount of light available and the flow of the water, and whether they are feeding or not. Most LPS corals produce long sweeping tentacles, which they use to keep other organisms at a safe distance.


SPS (Small Polyp Stony) Aquariums built around corals with small polyps on a calcareous skeleton. In most cases they are either branching or plated. SPS hard corals are generally considered to be the most difficult to keep and are not recommended for beginners. 


It is advised to look at these two main aspects of owning a Marine Aquarium...



Time Investment

Will you have enough time to fulfil the required maintenance?

i.e. water testing, feeding, water changes, cleaning of hardware, etc.


Can you invest time in learning new skills and learning about the unique requirements of the individual inhabitants and the support systems that keep them alive?


Financial Commitment

Are you aware of the cost of initially setting up and continually running an aquarium?

This includes investing in the correct equipment when you first start out, which allows you to develop the aquarium without the need to repurchase new equipment in a short space of time.


Are you aware of the electrical and water costs of running all associated equipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

This can easily be calculated in KWph (kilowatts per hour), which can usually be found on either your energy provider’s website or the bills they send you.


Have you compared initial purchase prices of cheaper equipment to their long-term running costs?

It is usually the case that cheaper components have higher power consumption and waste, as well as lower build quality, making them a false economy over even a short time span of 3-6 months. This is something we at Aquaristik Innovation always take into account when selecting the goods we offer.


Can you calculate the amount of salt, food and additives your aquarium will require to thrive, not just survive at a basic level?


Do you have an emergency fund ready for a possible disaster such as equipment failures, which would need you to replace hardware immediately?



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